Grilled Corn on the Cobb 
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Recipe ID: 251

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OK so most of the time when you think of grilling corn on the grill, you would think of keeping your corn in the husk.  Well, sometimes when you buy corn from the store, it doesn't always have the husk still on it.  So, here's a great way to grill your corn on the cob on the grill wrapped in foil.


Ears of corn on the cob (depends how many you wish to cook)
Olive oil
Any other spices you like (optional)


  1. Heat your grill to a medium high heat
  2. Brush your corn cobs with olive oil (no butter necessary)
  3. Sprinkle with salt and pepper (we use garlic pepper)
  4. Wrap in aluminum foil
  5. Place on hot grill and cook for 15 - 20 minutes turning every 5 minutes or so
  6. Remove from grill and keep wrapped in foil until you are ready to serve.

This may just be your favorite way to cook your corn on the cob from now on. 

Hope you enjoy!

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