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Category: Main > BBQ & Grill > BBQ & Grill Pork
Rib Sticking Ribs 
Recipe ID: 256

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Preparation Time in Minutes 0
Cooking Time in Minutes 8 Hours

1 rack of spareribs

1/2 tbsp black pepper

1/2 tbsp garlic powder

3 tsp smoked paprika

2 tsp Chipotle seasoning

1 tsp dried yellow mustard


You may be thinking, there was no salt added! I did something professionals and bloggers have told me not to do with ribs: I brined them! That's right, I did a wet brine. I took about one gallon of water, 2 cups of apple cider vinegar, one cup of kosher salt and 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/2 cup white sugar.  I brined the ribs overnight.


When I removed the ribs I noticed the meat turned to a different grayish tint. This is normal. I rinsed them off, then I dried them off very well and added all the dry ingredients.


On a prepared smoker using a mixture of charcoal and hickory, have your temp between 185-225 degrees. This actually was achieved with little effort once you get the fire right. Smoke the ribs for 8 hours. Yes, 8 hours.

While they are cooking I had a mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey and mopped it every hour or so.


What you get are very flavorful ribs, very tender, but not fall off the bone. I like ribs tender, but not so cooked that they turn to mush when you eat them.


These were great ribs. Try them and host a party. Or maybe two.


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