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Category: Main > Dinner Recipes > Misc
Barbecue Pizza with Sweet Potato Crust 
Recipe ID: 257

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Preparation Time in Minutes 20
Cooking Time in Minutes 1215

This is a variation of a recipes we found online. We are always looking for alternate ways to eat pizza without having the gluten crust. This was enjoyable; in fact, it was better than I imagined! We may make this one a regular because of its yummy factor.


3 cups sweet potatoes

1 tbsp minced garlic

2 eggs

1/2 tsp Italian seasoning

pork shoulder, cooked

1/2 cup diced onion, sauteed

3 tbsp barbecue sauce

1 cup spinach

1 1/2 cups mozzarella


Take the sweet potatoes and peel and cut in cubes. Now you can either boil them or microwave them, but we roasted them to give them a fuller flavor. Cook for about 25 minutes on 400 degrees.


Take sweet potatoes and let them cool a few minutes them mash up. Mix minced garlic, Italian seasoning and eggs (make sure they have cooled some before placing) and mix well. Place sweet potato mix on a cooking sheet and form with a spoon any pizza shape you like. Make sure the surface area is as even as possible. Bake in a preheated 425 degree oven for about 20 minutes.


I had a pork shoulder I had cooked overnight and some sauteed onions to place on the pizza. Place a small amount of barbecue sauce on the potato like a marinara for a regular pizza. Place pork on top, along with your sauteed onions. Cover with mozzarella. Place back in the 425 degree oven and bake an additional 12 minutes.


Remove from oven and sprinkle more barbecue sauce on top. Top with spinach.


The pizza has a softer texture than regular pizza but the taste is great. I was afraid of too much sweetness of the barbecue sauce and the sweet potato, but the cheese and Italian seasoning cut it down. It was great!

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