Grilled Avocado Stuffed with Spicy Cream Cheese and Shrimp! Sure grilled avocados are great by themselves, but stuff them with a spicy cream cheese and shrimp dip and...
Featured Recipes
Looking for something GREAT to make with your Avocados? Avocado, bacon and tomato rolls are so delicious, everyone will want you to make them all the time! These...
OK if you like egg rolls and you love tacos, you will LOVE These! Plus they are easy to make! Just roll these up and fry them. Then serve with your favorite...
Pico de Gallo Salsa: This is one of my favorites to make and a great salsa to add to other recipes or to top your hamburgers and add to sandwiches. ...
I made this P.F. Chang’s Copycat Chicken Lettuce Wraps On The Blackstone Griddle but you can use a pan on your stove top. Once you get all your ingredients...
Pico de Gallo, Cream Cheese and Shrimp Dip! This is a Great dip to add to a salad, or fill an avocado or just eat with chips or crackers. The Pico de Gallo gives...
OK so I make this salsa that almost everyone comments that they love the salsa, who made it? Did you make it? Yeah, I made it :-) and it's so easy! INGREDIENTS: ...
These ham sticks have been passed down generations and are part of every Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. But they would also make great appetizers for any meal. ...
Baked Avocado Fries: Crispy oven-baked avocado fries! These are Sooooo good, so make sure you bake enough. They will go fast! These are also great to just...
Guacamole is one of my favorite dips! And you can make it in a variety of ways and many people do, but there is nothing like just avocados. There is no need to...
Delicious Recipes
I made this P.F. Chang’s Copycat Chicken Lettuce Wraps On The Blackstone Griddle but you can use a pan on your stove top. Once you get all...
Looking for something GREAT to make with your Avocados? Avocado, bacon and tomato rolls are so delicious, everyone will want you to make them...
OK if you like egg rolls and you love tacos, you will LOVE These! Plus they are easy to make! Just roll these up and fry them. Then...
I made this recipe for a gathering and it truly is Out of This World Corn Dip . Very easy to make and not only great with corn chips but...
Guacamole is one of my favorite dips! And you can make it in a variety of ways and many people do, but there is nothing like just...
Ingredients 1 lb whole scallops 1/2 lb bacon 1 tbsp garlic salt Directions Preheat broiler Rinse...
Pico de Gallo, Cream Cheese and Shrimp Dip! This is a Great dip to add to a salad, or fill an avocado or just eat with chips or...
Grilled Avocado Stuffed with Spicy Cream Cheese and Shrimp! Sure grilled avocados are great by themselves, but stuff them with a spicy cream...
Pico de Gallo Salsa: This is one of my favorites to make and a great salsa to add to other recipes or to top your hamburgers and add to sandwiches. ...
These ham sticks have been passed down generations and are part of every Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. But they would also make great appetizers...
Baked Avocado Fries: Crispy oven-baked avocado fries! These are Sooooo good, so make sure you bake enough. They will go fast! ...
OK so I make this salsa that almost everyone comments that they love the salsa, who made it? Did you make it? Yeah, I made it :-) and it's so...