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Category: Main > Desserts > Cookies
Mmmmmm Peanut Butter Cookies!  
Recipe ID: 137

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Mmmmmm Peanut Butter Cookies!
This is my favorite tried and true peanut butter cookie recipe!  Make plenty because they won't last long :)


½ cup Peanut butter

½ cup Shortening

½ cup Sugar

½ cup Brown Sugar

1 Egg

1 Tsp Vanilla

1 ¼ cups All Purpose Flour

½ Tsp Baking Soda


Heat oven to 375 degrees

Cream butters and sugars in mixer

Beat in egg and vanilla

Combine flour, salt and baking soda and add to the mixer a little at a time

Make 1 inch balls and place on cookie sheet, press with fork

Bake at 375 degrees for 10 – 12 minutes

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  Member Since: Aug 29, 2015
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