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Category: Main > Breakfast Recipes > Breakfast Eggs
Breakfast Nachos 
Recipe ID: 250

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Cooking Time in Minutes 10-15 min
Preparation Time in Minutes 1015

A simple, delicious, and different take for breakfast! I don't know why I haven't thought of doing this before. These are so good I could eat these for lunch and dinner too!


2 Corn tortillas, cut into eights, triangle pieces

2 eggs cooked, scrambled

2 slices bacon, cooked, diced

1 tbsp diced tomatoes

1/2 tbsp mozzarella cheese

1 tsp salsa

cilantro, to taste

1/2 tbsp plain Greek yogurt


Spray the tortilla pieces with canola oil on both sides and place in a preheated 400 degree oven for about 10 minutes.  On minute 5 take out and turn over. They should be a nice brown color and very crisp.


Place chips on plate and top with eggs, bacon, tomatoes, cheese, salsa, and yogurt. Sprinkle cilantro on top. 


Crunchy, flavorful, wonderful! I sprinkled a little sriracha on top as well for extra heat. Enjoy!

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