Region  Cocos Islands   [ clear ]

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Share Your Favorite Recipes at Man Kitchen Recipes Today!


What is the cost to register on this site?

Nothing. There are no registration fees. Just register and start adding your favorite recipes.

How much does it cost to add my recipe?

There is no cost to add a recipe. You can add as many recipes as you like for free.

I forgot my login information. What do I do?

Not to worry. If you forget your information, just click on the Login button and you will see a button that says "Forgot password? Click here". Then follow the instructions.

I signed up using the Facebook button, how to I log back in?

Instead of using the login link, just click on the Login with Facebook button each time you need to log back in.

How do I change my display name or password?

To change your password, just login and click on "my account information", then "Edit My Info". If you have a typo in your display name, contact us and let us know as we have to correct it.

How can everything be free?

Very good question. In order to stay up and running we do have a few extra features that are available for those that would like their recipes to stand out over other recipes. These are not necessary to add a recipe, just an option. So instead of us having a Donation button on our site, we decided that if you want to contribute, we'll give you something in return in the way of additional features for your recipe. Which we will and every dollar is appreciated.

Are the extra feature fees a one time fee or will I have to pay again?

Extra feature fees are a one time fee and will stay on your recipe unless you delete it. If you delete your recipe that had an extra feature and want to add that recipe again, then you would need to pay the extra feature fee again if you wish to have that feature again. Note: Your recipe will never expire and your extra feature will also never expire unless you remove your recipe. So we hope you see the value in adding an extra feature here and there. Even if it's just to show your appreciation to help us out :)

How do I find what I'm looking for?

You have several options:

  • We offer a quick search form on the front page for you to enter keywords to search.
  • We offer an Advanced Search page for you to refine your search criteria.
  • We offer browsing filters when you are browsing by category.
  • If you already know what you are looking for you can browse the categories listed on the left side and center of the site's pages.

Can I save recipes to revisit later?

Yes. You can maintain your own "favorites" list within your account. Each recipe on our site has an "add to favorites" link. Simply click that link and we will add that recipe to your favorites list.

What if I can't find what I'm looking for?

You can set up search filters within your account area. Our site will then screen all new recipes, as they are placed on the site, and if a recipe is listed that meets your filter (search) criteria, we will automatically send you an email notification.

Can I contact the Chef that posted a recipe that I have a question with?

We provide the ability to contact the Chef through a form that is accessible on each of the Chef's recipe pages. The Chef will then be notified by email of your questions and the Chef can either reply by email or log in to their account and reply through our onsite messaging system. The Chef can choose to keep their email address anonymous. Note: You must be a registerd member and logged in to contact a Chef.